"Live as if you were to die tomorrow,
Learn as if you were to live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow,
Learn as if you were to live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi
Articles, Book chapters & Research reports:
Frei-Landau, R. (2021). The "Why" and How" to talk about death in the educational setting. In Russo-Netzer, P. (Ed). Social emotional Toolbox for educators and students. Achva Academic College. [Hebrew]
Frei-Landau, R. (2020). "When the going gets tough, the tough get – creative": Israeli Jewish religious leaders find religiously innovative ways to preserve community members' sense of belonging and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12 (S1), S568.
Frei-Landau, R. (2014). Religiosity and Coping with Child Loss: The Effect of Religiosity, Religious Coping and Attachment-to God on Adjustment to the Loss and Psychological Distress and Well-being. (Ph.D. dissertation; Prof. Tuval-Masiach, R. & Hssom-Ohayon, I., Advisors). Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan (198 pp.) [Hebrew]
Frei-Landau, R. (2013). Bereavement and the Social Context of Coping with Loss. Kelim-shluvim: Journal of Education, Counselling and Family, 58, 22-24. [Hebrew]
Frei-Landau, R., Hasson-Ohayon, I., & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2022). The experience of Divine Struggle following Child Loss: The Case of Modern-Orthodox Jews in Israel. Death Studies, 46 (6), 1329-1343, DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2020.1850547.
Frei-Landau, R., Tuval-Mashiach, R., Silberg, T., & Hasson-Ohayon, I. (2020). Attachment to God among Bereaved Jewish Parents: Exploring Differences by Denominational Affiliation. Review of Religious Research, 62(3), 485-496.
Frei-Landau, R., Tuval-Mashiach, R., Silberg, T., & Hasson-Ohayon, I. (2019). Attachment-to-God as a Mediator of the Relationship between Religious Affiliation and Adjustment to Child Loss. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 12(2), 165–174.
Levitan, F., Frei-Landau, R., & Sabar-Ben-Yehoshua, N. (2022). “I Just Needed a Hug”: Culturally-Based Disenfranchised Grief of Jewish Ultraorthodox Women Following Pregnancy Loss. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying.
Frei-Landau, R., & Levin, O. (2022). The Virtual Sim(HU)lation Model: Conceptualization and Implementation in the Context of Distant Learning in Teacher Education. Teaching and Teacher Education.
Frei-Landau, R., Ovidov-Unagr, O. Muchnick-Rozonov, Y. (2022). Using Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Conceptualize the Mobile-Learning Adoption Metamorphosis Process in Teacher Education in the COVID-19 Era. Education and Information Technologies.
Frei-Landau, R., Orland-Barak, L. & Muchnick-Rozonov, Y. (2022). What’s in it for the observer? Mimetic aspects of learning through observation in simulation-based learning in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education.
Frei-Landau, R., Avidov-Ungar, O. (2022). Educational equity amidst COVID-19: Exploring the online learning challenges of Bedouin and Jewish Female Preservice Teachers in Israel. Teaching and Teacher Education, 103623.
Frei-Landau, R. (2022). What's between Passover and the development of learners' skills in the 21 century? In Israeli, I (Ed.). Yachdav Yeranenu, pp. 64-71, Zuf.
Levin, O., Frei-Landau, R., Flavian, H., & C. Miller, E.C. (2022). Creating authenticity in simulation-based learning in teacher education: Exploring the role of simulation scenarios. European Journal of teacher education.
Frei-Landau, R., Avidov-Ungar, O., Abu-Saraiya, A., Heaysman, O. (2022, July). Promoting empathic communication using SEL-based collaborative learning Whitin learning communities in Bedouin special education training – Final Research Report. Classroom Academy Program, Ministry of Education, Israel. [Hebrew]
Frei-Landau, R., Avidov-Ungar, O., Muchnick-Rozonov, Y. (2021, July). Using Mobile-learning (ML) in Online Teaching: Teachers' Meaningful Experiences in the ML Adoption Process and its Implementation in Teaching among Inservice and Preservice Teachers – Final Report. Chief scientist, Ministry of Education, Israel. [Hebrew]
Levin, O., & Frei-Landau, R. (2019). Teaching in a Laboratory Setting: Options and Obstacles in the Use of SBL for Teachers’ Professional Development. Journal of the MOFET Institute. 63, 60 – 65. [Hebrew]
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Frei-Landau, R., Orland-Barak, L. (2021, April). Mimetic Dimensions of Professional Learning through Simulation – The Role of Simulative Experiences. In Proceeding of the AERA Annual Meeting conference: Accepting Educational Responsibility, Florida, USA.
Frei-Landau, R., Grobgeld, E., & Guberman, R. (2021, February). Integrating ICT-based Neuroeducation in Teacher Training: Conceptualizing the Learning Outcomes along Two Multi-dimensional Axes, and the Role of ICT in their Development among Preservice Teachers. In Proceeding of the 16th Chais Conference on the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies: Learning in the Digital Era, Ra'anana, Israel.
Muchnick-Rozonov, Y., Frei-Landau, R., Avidov-Unagr, O. (2022, June). Emotional Aspects of the of Mobile-Learning Adoption Process among Inservice Teachers in the COVID-19 Era. In Proceeding of the AACE Annual Meeting conference: EdMedia and Innovate Learning, New York City, New York, USA.
Frei-Landau, R. (2019, February). Religious teachers' perceptions and management of their students' religious identity exploration in Israel – preliminary findings. Parenting, Schooling and Identity Formation and Reformation: From the Middle Ages to the Modern Period, Cambridge University, England.
Frei-Landau, R., Ehrenriech, Y., & Rogel, A. (2020, July). Parental Factors Moderate the Effectiveness of Neurofeedback treatment for Early Childhood ADHD – A Theoretical Model. The EARLI SIG-5 international conference: Learning and Development in Early Childhood, Book of Abstracts. Israel. https://earli.org/sites/default/files/2020-07/Book%20of%20abstracts%20offline%208_7_5.pdf (P.13).
Machikawa, E. Levin, O. & Frei-Landau, R. (2020, October). The "Why" and "How" to use simulations to enhance collaboration between international higher education institutions. Moving target digitalisation: re-thinking global exchange in higher education, DAAD German Academic Exchange Service, Bonn, Germany. Video abstract: https://pageflow.daad.de/digital#1398