“I never lose. I either win or learn.”
Nelson Mandela
“I never lose. I either win or learn.”
Nelson Mandela
M.A. Students

Fayga Levitan
Fayga has an M.A. in culturally-sensitive clinical psychology (Cohort 1). She studies the experience of pregnancy loss of ultra-orthodox women from a narrative

Chaim Luria
M.A. student in the culturally-sensitive clinical psychology program (Cohort 3). He studies the phenomenon of the religious/spiritual struggle among the ultra-orthodox in academia.

Sarah Grossnass
Sarah is an M.A. student in culturally-sensitive clinical psychology (Cohort 3). She is examining religious/spiritual struggles and religious coping during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Edna Kassa
Edna is an M.A. student in the Department of Culturally-Sensitive Clinical Psychology (Cohort 4). She studies the struggles of bereaved siblings belonging to the Ethiopian community.

Etty Lifshitz
Etty has an M.A. in culturally sensitive clinical psychology (Cohort 2). She examined the choice to altruistically donate a kidney among people who have experienced the loss of a loved one.

Hani Mirki
Hani is an M.A. student in culturally-sensitive clinical psychology (Cohort 1). She studies how educators cope with students who experienced loss during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yedidya Fishman
Yedidya has an M.A. in culturally-sensitive clinical psychology (Cohort 2), specializing in clinical psychology. Yedidya explores the attachment to God experience in the narratives of people who have chosen to convert to ultra-orthodoxy.

Islam Abu Much
She has a master's degree in culturally-sensitive clinical psychology (Cohort 1). Her thesis explored the meaning reconstruction of Muslim parents whose sons were victims of homicide.

Fayrooz Altyaha
Fayrooz has an M.A. in culturally-sensitive clinical psychology (Cohort 2). She examined the experience of stillbirth among women belonging to the Bedouin sector from a phenomenological perspective

Maria Abu-Toameh
She lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyeh and is a student in the culturally-sensitive clinical psychology program (Cohort 4). She studies the phenomenon of femicide in Arab society.